Outreach Manager/Lead LIRI Agent at Greater Southwest Development Corporation - Chicago, Illinois, United States
Greater Southwest Development Corporation was formed in 1974 as a result of organizing efforts to hold banks accountable for the growing disinvestment in Chicago Lawn. At the time, the area was experiencing violent racial conflicts and GSDC's early efforts focused both on easing racial tension and stimulating economic investment.\\The organization has grown since its inception, and today it has over 20 staff members and an annual budget of over $3 million. GSDC's key initiatives have resulted in over $500 million in development activity in its service area, including 248 units of senior rental housing; rehabilitation of abandoned single family homes for sale to first-time buyers; $100 million in retail development; and worked to retain Nabisco, the world's largest bakery, when it considered relocating. More recently, GSDC completed the Inner City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) Health Clinic project, which turned a vacant property into a community-based health center. For information on more neighborhood happenings, follow the Chicago Lawn Portal at www.chicagolawnportal.org.\\Today GSDC also is the managing body for the 63rd Street Growth Commission, or Special Service Area #3. The commission focuses attention on issues affecting the district. Working with area business owners, it plans and launches special projects and initiatives that maintain a healthy retail economy and a healthy community. Find out more at www.63rdstreetcenter.com.