The Lindendale story begins in 1963 when Craig Rosendorff embarked on his journey into the diamond and jewellery industry.Craig quickly realised the diamonds available in Australia were lacklustre, less than brilliant and costly, sparking the idea for his first collection.Craig designed a range of exquisite diamond engagement and eternity rings, gathered a team of brilliant craftsmen and his diamond jewellery designs were brought to life.These beautiful designs took him all over Australia and were sold to the big retail jewellers at wholesale prices.The name of that collection, Lindendale.Craig has eliminated the high costs of bricks and mortar stores and focuses on showcasing his exquisite designs exclusively online and once again at wholesale prices, but this time for you the customer.Alongside Craig is a carefully selected team of diamond experts and his mentee Harley Roberts. They guarantee that each Diamond and Jewellery Collection has passed the rigorous ‘Craig Rosendorff's Signature Selection Criteria'. This ensures each design is natural, exquisite, and only uses Super Brilliant Diamonds and Vivid Gems.