A SaaS automated online interview tool that mimics a face-to-face interview with an industrial/organizational psychologist & corporate investigator.Designed to evaluate the life cycle of personnel risk, from pre-employment screening, through current employee integrity assurance, to internal investigations. The only adaptive and interactive web-based self-reporting inventory, backed by the findings of 100 academic studies, designed to guide interviewees to share unreported counterproductive work behavior (CWB).The platform evaluates an interviewee's true character through automated analysis of their actual responses, physical behavior, and cognitive behavior. The platform takes on the most complicated elements of an interview, using the latest technology to ensure the most time-efficient, cost-efficient, consistent, unbiased, and respectful way to gather CWB. So why use an automated online interview technology?Questions about CWB are difficult for interviewers to ask and uncomfortable for candidates to answer. Often, interviewers do not have the experience or skills to conduct an interview related to CWB. Our platform asks candidates and employees standardized questions related to CWB, identifying specific areas of concern.Pre-Employment Interview: The pre-screening automated online interview provides the most accurate and relevant information to guide better hiring decisions. Current Employee Integrity Assurance Interview: The code-of-conduct automated online interview is built for a wide range of programs, including code of conduct & ethics compliance, insider threat, and job promotion evaluations.Investigative Interview: We are the only platform that allows organizations to investigate cases with an automated online interactive interview, which gathers higher quality leads to close cases faster with higher confidence and less disruption to business.