Crystal Chan

Scenario Production Specialist at SimX - Mountain View, CA, US

Crystal Chan's Contact Details
San Francisco,California,United States
Crystal Chan's Company Details
SimX logo, SimX contact details


Mountain View, CA, US • 64 Employees

SimX brings virtual and augmented reality to medical simulation training. Our product is the first comprehensive professional-grade VR medical simulation system, and it is used to train physicians, nurses, and other allied health professionals. Our platform allows medical teams to replace expensive mannequins with incredibly flexible simulated patients, backed by a robust physiology engine.

medical simulation virtual reality augmented reality medical training medical education training simulation educatino
Details about SimX
Frequently Asked Questions about Crystal Chan
Crystal Chan currently works for SimX.
Crystal Chan's role at SimX is Scenario Production Specialist.
Crystal Chan's email address is *** To view Crystal Chan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Crystal Chan works in the SaaS industry.
Crystal Chan's colleagues at SimX are Devon Garrett, Christopher Nolden, Michael Poppe, Caolan Radford, Jason Ribeira, Charles Brandt, Nora Carr and others.
Crystal Chan's phone number is N/A
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