Since 2013, Reliable Insourcing Services has connected thousands of job seekers with employers in the Greater Memphis area. We are one of the most experienced staffing agencies in Memphis, delivering top-notch customer service and honest communication. Reliable is not the typical temporary staffing agency you are used to working with.WE PLACE GREAT PEOPLEFrom warehouse managers to assemblers, Reliable Insourcing Services can help your company locate hard to find talent in almost every light industrial field your company may need. We work with large and small companies throughout the Memphis area. Whether you're looking for a team of warehouse workers for an extended period or temporary associates to help complete a project, Reliable can help you source well-qualified candidates.Below are some of the Light Industrial positions we fill:AssemblersCertified Forklift OperatorsDistributionGeneral LaborersIndustrial MaintenanceInventoryLoader / UnloaderMachine OperatorsOrder SelectorProduction OperatorLumpersProduction / AssemblyQuality Control (QC, QA)Shipping / ReceivingWarehouse AssocaitesWarehouse ClerksWarehouse Leads