Principal and Founder at The FiscalHealth Group, LLC - Denver, Colorado, United States
The FiscalHealth Group is the leader in identifying the Financial Value and Return on Investment of Healthcare IT solutions. We are dedicated to assisting Healthcare vendors quantify the Financial Value and ROI of their products, and creating customized Sales Tools to communicate this value to economic buyers, including Finance and the CFO. We Help You By:* Developing user-friendly ROI sales tools* Creating financially-focused, CFO credible sales presentations* Providing comprehensive training and supportThe FiscalHealth Group is at the leading edge in understanding, and responding, to the many changes in the current healthcare environment. This includes the evolving Fee for Service versus Value based Care and how this impacts the benefits for Population Health Management solutions, Clinical applications, and Medical Devices. We create effective, and easy-to-use sales tools, to identify and quantify the financial value of your solutions, and help you successfully sell on this financial value.