The name of our firm, K2M2 Digital, derives from the Māori proverb "ka mua, ka muri." This proverb expresses a great truth around a simple image. The image is of a person walking backward into the future. It suggests that the past is clearly visible, but the future is not, that we have imperfect information for the road ahead, but also that this is a natural state of affairs. The future comes out of the past but will not be identical to it. The only unchanging thing is change. We must look backward for clues to the way forward, but we must also understand that the future is unwritten. K2M2 Digital's focus is on helping our clients to write the future they desire and to help them achieve it. Please contact Cy Caine to learn more K2M2 Digital:Cy CainePhone: (678) 862-7725Email: