MISSION STATEMENTThe mission of the City of Oxford is to serve and improve our community by providing high quality, affordable services, sound planning for growth and development, and offering the highest possible quality of life while maintaining the public's trust through open communication and ethical standards at all times.VISION STATEMENTThe City of Oxford will partner with the community to build upon the charm and character of our historic, vibrant, and walkable city to create an extraordinary quality of life for all. To further define this vision, in the future Oxford will:Retain its rural atmosphere where friendly citizens foster a positive community spirit.Be a regional destination for tourists and visitors attracted by the City's heritage and historic character.Provide recreation opportunities for all citizens.Have a historic and vibrant downtown with unique shops, restaurants, housing and community activities.Be a walkable and safe community with tree lined streets and attractive buildings.Have well-designed neighborhoods and commercial areas offering a variety of shopping, dining, entertainment and housing options for all residents.Plan for Future growth while protecting its environmental resources and maintain quality public services at an affordable cost.CORE VALUES - ETHICOREThe elected officials, staff, and volunteers of the City of Oxford value and commit to model the following:EQUAL TREATMENT for everyone with DIGNITY, COURTESY, and RESPECTTEAMWORK within our organization and our communityHONESTY in all of our dealings with citizens, fellow workers, and other organizationsINTEGRITY in every action and serviceCOST-EFFECTIVE and QUALITY services for our communityOPEN and TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION with all partiesRESPONSIBILITY for our decisions and actionsEXCELLENCE in every deed**The mnemonic ETHICORE was adopted as a helpful tool to remind us of our core values.**v