Organic and Wildharvested High Potency Herbal Extracts and Essential Oils for Detox, Energy, Nutrition and Health Maintenance. Dr. Foster's Essentials was founded by Dr. Cynthia Foster, who, in 1992, during her medical training, suffered grand mal seizures caused by a reaction to a vaccine. After conventional medicine failed, she turned to holistic medicine and was completely cured of epilepsy by the time she graduated with her MD. This was without having taken a single anticonvulsant or undergoing any surgery. What she's learned about healing chronic and incurable diseases is very powerful and has the potential to change your life forever. Our mission is to educate, inspire, motivate and empower health. We offer high quality herbal and aromatherapy products and feature articles about herbal medicine, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, healthy lifestyle, and emotional/self healing. Visit to learn how to heal yourself at home without expensive medical technology and exorbitant medical costs.*Articles on Natural Health:*Free Ailment Reference Guide listing Dr. Foster's protocols for over 400 health issues:*Free online questionnaire to determine your herbal needs: