Customer Service Representative at - Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
In every corner of this country, Nigeria, students, NYSC members and just anyone is looking for a place to stay either alone or with a roommate.But because we understand the tedious process of walking around, looking for roadside agents who often demand large deposits, looking for a roommate to split cost and more, integrates all of this into an easy to use and hassle-free online platform. We're building a lifestyle for students and NYSC members starting with providing them easy access to short or long term housing anywhere in Nigeria and soonest, Africa.Reviews, ratings, pricing, amenities, proximity to school, and a whole lot more features found on has made it every student's companion. The first version of (formerly HostelsVilla & was uploaded 17th of June, 2016 and formally launched 30 August, 2016 after a beta period of about 75 days.