Sobriety Navigator is an independent information, forum and chat site. The articles and information come from the personal experiences of men and women with decades of abstinence from intoxicants. These men and women have a keen understanding that addiction is a symptom of underlying problems. By successfully identifying and confronting their individual challenges, they have been able to achieve both physical and emotional sobriety.Sobriety Navigator is an adjunct to 12 step programs and therapy, not an alternative to either. We present, respectfully and anonymously, true life stories at a level they don't reach in meetings. These stories can create awareness about what is really going on in the readers' lives. There are people living with domestic violence who don't even know it.Sobriety Navigator is a place where people can talk on line, share their thoughts, and frankly, a place for emotional catharsis. It's anonymous, so members can explore things they won't even share with a sponsor. They can learn more about addictions, sobriety, and themselves. Members can submit stories that are published anonymously. It is very powerful to give voice to your experiences. We provide a members only forum and 24/7 live chat rooms where you can talk with others and enjoy the freedom and relief of unloading negative thoughts, feelings, and fears regarding your own commitment to a sober lifestyle and freedom from addiction.