Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del NoroesteOur mission is to empower farmworkers and working Latinx families in Oregon by building community, increasing Latinx representation in elections, and policy advocacy on both the national and state levels.PCUN values the ability for workers to take action against exploitation and all of its effects, and continues to build an agenda that strengthens workers rights by creating safer workplaces, advocating for fair wages, and pushing for enough economic security to care for our families. We also value dignity, and respect for all workers, and the "Sí se puede " spirit of Dolores Huerta, and Cesar Chavez. PCUN was founded by farmworkers, and today that legacy continues. PCUN is focused on building a stronger voice for all Latinx working families in Oregon, from farmworkers to young folks, so that we can collectively improve their well-being and increase prosperity for all.The growing power of the Latinx workforce, electorate, and population is integral to both our state's and the nation's economy and the future of our civic engagement systems, but because of long-standing inequities, Latinx working families are more often marginalized than they are empowered.If we empower and lift up Latinx working families, they will have a stronger voice in the decisions that affect them, and their well being will increase significantly.