All content posted in this account is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as investment advice.DeMark Analytics is committed to bringing you the most comprehensive market-timing experience available, with the predictive power of the DeMark Indicators and a host of supplemental services and functions. For nearly 40 years, the DeMark Indicators® have helped traders and investors decode the mysteries of the market. Tom DeMark is the creator of the DeMark Indicators® and the founder and CEO of DeMark Analytics LLC. The DeMark studies are known internationally for their objective and mechanically-driven approach to both trading and investing, and are designed to anticipate potential price activity in the financial markets. Mr. DeMark has spent more than 40 years developing, trading and teaching his techniques to institutional professionals around the world, and continues to be actively involved in the financial markets. At DeMark Analytics, following the market isn't just our profession, it's our passion.