The Catalog Shopper supplies high quality corporate and premium gifts, including housewares to major corporations and retail outfits worldwide. The company has been in business of importing, wholesaling, and retailing since 1994. The Catalog Shopper can and will make whatever its clients require. Products include a wide array of item that range from important everyday products such as umbrellas, towels and lights to premium items like accessories, porcelain and electronics. The company has testing departments, quality inspection procedures, and complete export documentation to ensure both quantity and quality. Each product type goes through rigorous product development, both to meet client and industry specifications and make sure its design is attractive to the consumer. Since 1994 with The Catalog Shopper, we now have Kegitar Home, Inc. and Catalog Prime, Inc. which offers retail products through various department stores and malls nationwide. Aside from importation, wholesale, and retail; our company has now diversified into real estate through our 4th and 5th company. Namely, Wamrus TKG Realty and Bilaxa Corporation.