Klurig Analytics is data analytics company with primary focus in text mining and social network analysis. We work almost exclusively in the statistical computing language ‘R'. To help our clients to understand their markets and to find top thought leaders and influencers, we deploy end-to-end automated solutions from data gathering to analysis to data visualization.Klurig's current and past clients include HP, Cisco, Northwestern Mutual and MDOutlook.We use advanced tools and algorithms including LSI (latent semantic index), SVD (singular value decomposition) and LDA (latent dirichlet allocation) for text mining, and we use visualization and centrality measures for social network analysis. In addition, we take advantage of advanced data science technologies such as supervised and unsupervised machine learning, and we are also experts in using APIs to access public, government and private data sources (ex. Twitter, PubMed, Meetup, Google Analytics, and private SQL databases).Examples of work includes identifying and targeting of key opinion leaders in Oncology using public and private sources; finding influencers in different areas; mashup of data from a variety of sources; and an end-to-end Twitter analysis solution including techniques such as n-grams, association rules, geolocation, keyword trending, and interactive visualization.Our team has spoken at numerous conferences in Boston and Washington, DC; joined industry panel discussions; published articles in industry papers.