Actuarial Manager - Steering development of custom & innovative financial solutions for clients at Kenbright - , ,
KAFS is a subsidiary owned by Kenbright Holdings Ltd and is a sister company to Kenbright Insurance Brokers Ltd (established in 1993) and Kenbright Healthcare Administrators Limited (established in 2005) . The founders of KAFS are Ezekiel Macharia & Paul Gondi. Ezekiel Macharia is a Fellow of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries (UK) and a Fellow of the Actuarial Society of Kenya. Paul Gondi is a seasoned Insurance broker with over 30 years experience in the East African market. Kenbright prides itself as a locally owned financial services company that specializes in providing the East African Market with Actuarial & Financial advisory services. KAFS is registered with the Kenya Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) as an actuarial services provider for occupational schemes.