Created by Chef Justin Thompson and his team of culinary and service professionals, 624 Kitchen & Catering provides an elegant space located in the lobby of the ONG building located at 624 S. Boston Avenue. With its 20 ft high ceilings, marble columns, terrazzo floor accents, custom plaster moldings, intricate ceiling details and contemporary palette, this Art Deco space offers more than the typical event hall. Featuring over 3000 square feet of private dining space, Chef Justin and his team provide food and beverages from his award winning restaurants; Juniper, PRHYME: Downtown Steakhouse, Tavolo: An Italian Bistro to fit your special event. With this much available space, 624 Kitchen & Catering can host your seated and served event of as few as 25 guests to as many as 150 guests or accommodate a cocktail reception for as many at 200.