Three months apart, in 2012 and 2013, two of my three children were diagnosed with Crohn's disease. First, my then seventeen-year-old daughter complained of stomachaches. She was a junior in high school, so I brushed it off as nerves from school and getting ready to apply to college. The diagnosis sent us all into a tailspin. We had no idea what Crohn's was—none of our friends or family had the disease—but the doctor prescribed medicine to control the symptoms. We needed to have a plan to get our children well; we needed to understand what this disease was all about. It was very hard work, but I created over 200 recipes to fit our new healthy diet. My kids were diligent and kept their eating very "clean." Slowly, over time, they were able to add things back into their diet and now, eight years later, my kids—who are now adults—have been able to keep their health in remission with healthy, "clean" eating. It is with this attitude that Box of Farm approaches bringing farm fresh, healthy produce to our customers.