Upholding Ethnicity, Culture and EducationParenting Children of Color [P-CoC] is a community group established for persons-of-color. The organization endeavors to support and advocate for fair treatment, representation, and to uphold the culture and the ethnicity of this population in their communities and schools. P-CoC will serve families of color and the general public by providing community outreach, educational programs, support, and advocacy that will promote the expression of authentic ethnicity, a non-conforming racial identity, and unlearn social norms that perpetuate self-hate. P-CoC LogoParenting Children of Color [P-CoC] is symbolized by the peacock. The peacock-the bird with 100 eyes, is a possessor of valued human characteristics, exhibiting signs of sacredness, dignity, leadership, fortification, and vigilance. Not stifling the authentic representation and expressions of persons-of-color, radiates beauty just like when a peacock spreading its feathers reveals intertwined elegance