Training Production Coordinator at Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation - Washington, DC, US

DAMON GAY's Contact Details
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
DAMON GAY's Company Details
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation logo, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation contact details

Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation

Washington, DC, US • 500 - 999 Employees

As a leader in affordable housing and community development, we work to create opportunities for lower-income people to live in affordable homes in safe, sustainable neighborhoods that are healthy places for families to grow. Headquartered in Washington, DC, we operate through a national office, two regional offices and seven district offices. Please visit us at www.neighborworks.org.

affordable housing community development training foreclosure counseling capacity building Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management Social Assistance
Details about Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about DAMON GAY
DAMON GAY currently works for NeighborWorks America.
DAMON GAY's role at NeighborWorks America is Training Production Coordinator.
DAMON GAY's email address is ***@nw.org. To view DAMON GAY's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
DAMON GAY works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
DAMON GAY's colleagues at Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation are Hillary Rowe, Andre Butler, Merkeb Woldemichael, Elsie Gomes, Erica Hall, Camaro Jones, Jeffrey Bryson and others.
DAMON GAY's phone number is 202-760-4000
See more information about DAMON GAY