The Financial Literacy Group is a full service consultancy specializing in helping organizations teach people about money. The Group focuses on designing, developing and implementing compelling and impactful programs, tools, research, program evaluations and campaigns involving personal finance. The Group also provides strategic direction and tactical support to organizations contemplating their overall approach to consumer financial education.National governments, NGOs and companies have recently recognized the critical importance of financial literacy. Organizations around the world are trying to find ways to help their constituents and clients save and invest for life goals, manage credit and debt, understand complex financial products, become part of the financial mainstream and avoid fraud. Creating programs is easy. Creating effective programs that truly change behavior is a challenge. Since January 2009, The Financial Literacy Group has harnessed its deep experience in this field and the best academic research to imagine and execute innovative methods, approaches and products to help organizations change consumer conduct with maximum effect and minimum cost. Organizations are just beginning to realize that financial education programs are no longer a commodity–that some are much better than others. Simply put, quality matters now, and quality is the Group's competitive advantage.FLG derives its quality from a corps of best in class experts from around the world.