PRECISION HOME INSPECTIONS Licensed and insured, serving Dade , Broward and the Palm Beaches. WHY US? We are a small company, based in Miami . BRUCE HOFFMAN, owner/manager has been a real estate agent in South Florida for more than 15 years. He personally supervises every single inspection and makes sure that everything is disclosed and the paperwork is filled in a way that will have everybody legally protected. Call Bruce for an estimate :305 389 8161 Spanish or French, call Fabienne:954 638 5742 Or e mail :  QUALITY INSPECTIONS WITHIN 24 HOURS ! Residential inspection basic packages Less than 1000 sq ft $ 195 1000 to 1500 sq ft $ 250 1500 sq ft to 3000 sq ft $295 for a condo,$325 for a house Over 3000 sq ft,call us for a quote . Repairs estimate available. Also wind mitigation,mold,radon and asbestos samplings. Commercial Property Inspections Environmental Assessments,40 year Building Recertification,etc