A Biotechnology, Digital Marketing and Technology company operating in:California- Central Valley- East Bay- Oakland- San Francisco- SacramentoIdaho- Coeur D' Alene- Post FallsWashington- Spokane/Spokane Valley (Headquarters)We have the experience, expertise, and willingness to exceed your expectations and to be your partner for all Digital Marketing and Technology services. Our wide coverage of platforms, repertoire of services across server, storage and networking environments provide unparalleled flexibility for you and your business. All services are performed by certified engineers and not farmed out like most providers. This allows you to proceed with all your infrastructure projects with confidence.Our mission to become a staple in the community begins with delivering consistent results and memorable experiences; leading us to becoming a trusted partner. We properly train each of our employees before any form of interaction is made. This ensures we can properly support your business, all while never overwhelming our teams and their respective divisions.Before we provide services, an evaluation of your business is completed to uncover potential risks and issues. Furthermore, we will convey to you; discoveries, resolutions and obtain authorization to begin work. Finally, all data, hardware and networks remain operational during the process.