Living Well Taking Control (LWTC) is a Limited Liability Partnership between Birmingham-based social enterprise Health Exchange CIC and Exeter-based charity Westbank Community Health and Social Care. Each organisation has expertise in supporting individuals to change their lives by establishing new patterns of behaviour to improve their health and wellbeing. Westbank and Health Exchange developed diabetes prevention programmes as part of a BIG Lottery funded project.Health Exchange delivered a pilot programme on behalf of the NHS in the Birmingham 'demonstrator area', which contributed to the development of the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP).LWTC is now one of four providers of the NHS DPP and is currently delivering the programme in Birmingham; Bristol; Bury; Cornwall; Dudley; Durham Dales; Easington and Sedgefield; Gloucestershire; Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale; Isles of Scilly; North Durham; North Somerset; Sandwell and West Birmingham; Solihull; South Gloucestershire; Southport and Formby; South Sefton; St Helens; Walsall; and Wolverhampton.