Be certain of nothing. Be prepared for anything. ...These are not our core tenets. These are our sole tenets. There's a whole world out there. Full of possibility. Full of plans. But plans are for people who need them. You don't make plans, you make room for opportunity. The only direction you follow is forward. The only action you know is GO. The only structure you need are the clothes on your back. Clothes that are versatile enough for a day with no plan. Because in one second you may be chasing daylight on a weekend hike, and the next you're chasing spirits down at the local pub. And sure, along the way you might catch a bit of rain. Or snow. Or mud. OR – maybe you catch a break. But opportunities don't come to the most planned. They come to the most prepared. So no, you don't need plans. You simply need a layer that's prepared for whatever comes your way. After all, your mantra has always been… Plan less, go more….