Florida Electrical Apprenticeship & Training (FEAT) provides students with a comprehensive education, designed to ensure success in the Electrical Profession. Apprentices are registered with the Department of Labor and the Florida Department of Education.In 1987, FEAT was incorporated to train apprentices for Central Florida participating employers. This Industry/Education partnership started with Orange County Public Schools and Seminole Community College. In 1999 we expanded to include TECO in Osceola County. As with all effective partnerships, both entities combine their strengths to attain a greater goal. Education provides the instructional expertise to improve training methods, provides classroom space and funding for coordinators and instructors. The Electrical Contractors contribute training materials and supplies. Apprentices work daily in the trade under the guidance of a mentor — a journeyman electrician. It is the journeyman's job to teach the apprentice the hands-on techniques of the electrician's job.