Tuft, Lach, Jerabek & O'Connell, PLLC provides quality legal representation in the areas of family law, juvenile law, and estate planning. In addition, Tuft, Lach, Jerabek & O'Connell, PLLC provides alternative dispute resolution services. such as mediation, early neutral evaluation, collaborative law, arbitration, and moderated settlement conferences. All of the attorneys at Tuft, Lach, Jerabek & O'Connell, PLLC are certified as Qualified Neutrals by the Minnesota Supreme Court to serve as mediators. Whether acting as an attorney or a neutral, Tuft, Lach, Jerabek & O'Connell, PLLC can help guide you toward a cooperative and amicable result in your own case, making representation more affordable and less time-consuming so you can get back on track with your life. However, the attorneys at Tuft, Lach, Jerabek & O'Connell, PLLC have extensive courtroom and trial experience when litigation is the only avenue to get you the relief that you and your family need.