A. B. Nicholas LLC is specialized financing firm offering its clients access to a cutting edge, institutionally managed credit line programs at wholesale rates typically superior to retail. We serve the real estate investment market, the franchise buyer market, and the business acquisition market. Our Certified Agent program opens the door to independent financial advisors needing a fully licensed SIPC/FINRA compliant stock loan/credit line program for their clients. (See www.abnicholas.com/agents to register). LeverageLine clients have their accounts at one of three top-tier public U. S. institutions, 100% managed by and through licensed Certified Planner advisers at the same institution. Advisers have a minimum of 16 years experience and are registered FINRA with spotless records. In addition, each have agreed to offer discounted rates and custom terms at no cost to our clients, meaning that we can offer better securities-based lines. Our program is more than simply a financing program. Crafted from the start with the future development of our clients' businesses in mind, those who enter their relationship with our household-name lending institutions with a LeverageLine are building a relationship with their adviser and the lending institution. This can pay off later when the client seeks to expand their business or franchise or add additional real estate to their portfolio. This assumption is part of every LeverageLine, although of course the final decision of course always rests with the lender alone.Visit our Real Estate page for real estate investors interested in LeverageLine or alternative lending: https://abnicholas.com/realestateVisit our LeverageLine page for information on this financing program: https://abnicholas.com/leveragelineVisit our Quote page to make a quote request: https://abnicholas.com/quoteContact us at 202.379.4744 Ext. 1 or support@abnicholas.com.