The Foley + Corinna story begins with the chance meeting of two girls who shared a love of all things fabulous at the Chelsea Art and Antique Market. Dana Foley sold her original creations while Anna Corinna sold her expertly curated vintage clothing. Each had acquired a cult following of downtown fashionistas and established designers who found inspiration in their style.Dana and Anna quickly realized the synergy of their design and eye for trends, resulting in a potent blend of style, eventually being nominated into the prestigious Council of Fashion Designers (CFDA).In 2015, the accessory experts at L&M Direct took over the brand with Laura Lavin, CEO, leading the creative and strategic direction with the aspiration to honor the brand's signature identity while making it more relative to today's modern customer.Today, the brand can be found on its eponymous website and worldwide in New York, Japan, Korea & Italy, carried in stores such as Bloomingdale's, Shopbop, Revolve Clothing, Dillard's and Lord & Taylor.Foley + Corinna has been featured in top fashion magazines like InStyle, Elle, Nylon, Lucky, Vanity Fair, and Teen Vogue. The Label is a natural choice for Hollywood and music style icons, including Taylor Swift, Halle Berry, Heidi Klum, Katy Perry, Drew Barrymore, Leighton Meester, Kim Kardashian, Carrie Underwood, and Blake Lively.From the signature City Tote to the smaller crossbody bags, Foley + Corinna designs transition effortlessly from day to night, season to season, downtown to the red carpet and right into the after party. It's the perfect mix of sophistication, fun and function for the chic city woman. Every piece makes a statement.