It has been fourteen years since the first show on March 7th, 1997; through all of these years, Mastana has brought to Cambridge a colourful and vivacious experience of Asian culture. Every year, the bar is raised with each subsequent show as it builds on the success of the last. It is now one of the biggest arts production in East Anglia!Mastana has commenced and developed in the hands of students, one of its most remarkable and meaningful aspects. From its modest initiation in Emmanuel College's Old Library, it has flourished through the Peterhouse Theatre, the Faculty of Music Concert Hall, the Guildhall, the Cambridge Arts Theatre, and since 2008, the Corn Exchange, which is the biggest venue in Cambridge.The production unites people and talents from all over the world, starting from the committee members from the University of Cambridge and reaching out to the charities the event supports, which this year are Child Survival India and Shelter.Mastana brings together musicians, dancers, actors, orators, writers, artists, caterers, students, parents, and friends, culminating in a show that has evolved with Asia's dynamic culture, but has retained the same purpose from its start. It is a journey that starts with us, and ends with you. Discover the mystical, the musical, the multicultural, and join us to celebrate the magic that is MASTANA!