Enterprise North is an Incorporated Association established by its members to deliver economic and social leadership and to act in an "enabling" role, providing apolitical regional leadership and focus, while actively pursuing collaboration with the region's peak bodies, to foster positive outcomes for the region.Enterprise North is an Incorporated Association (IA57772) whose members subscribe to the following objects:• to encourage public, private and corporate participation in all matters of public policy that pertains to the economic well being of Cairns City and the North East Australia region;• to research and develop policies pertinent to the future development of a progressive modern economy for Cairns City and the North East Australia region; • to develop and promote regional forums structured to debate and develop such policies; • to promote the participation of the private sector including indigenous owned corporations in the investment and delivery of infrastructure developments and other development activities across the city and the NEA region;• to actively participate in an economic development and growth advocacy agenda to governments at every level on a strictly non political/non partisan basis;• to advocate for national and international investment in the key growth pillars of cairns and the north nast Australia economies;• to be seen to be a respected organisation that constantly strives to deliver a well developed, well articulated and achievable mainstream economic growth and development agenda for our communities; and• to act in an "enabling" role to provide regional leadership and collaboration amongst like minded groups.