Dana Schleifer

Impact Team Director (Prev. Bloomberg Innovation Team) at Tel Aviv Global - , ,

Dana Schleifer's Contact Details
Tel Aviv-Yafo,Tel Aviv District,Israel
Tel Aviv Global
Dana Schleifer's Company Details
Tel Aviv Global logo, Tel Aviv Global contact details

Tel Aviv Global

, , • 20 - 49 Employees

The Greater Tel Aviv Metropolis has a radius of 60 km which includes 3.2 million people amounting to 43.2% of the Israeli population Municipality Jurisdiction: 52 km2 is 7,606 in Tel-Aviv-Yafo Household and Population: 402,600 residents: 369,184 Jews and 33,416 non-Jews. 56% of households are families, 40% of households are single homes. 75% of the households are connected to the Internet Labor and Employment: total employees 371,700 (13% of all employees in Israel) 36% of the employees are city residents, 56% live in the Greater Tel Aviv Metropolis Segmentation of Employment: 25% business services, 11% commerce and wholesale, 11% banking, finance and insurance 65% of the Tel-Aviv-Yafo residents participate in the workforce Tourism: 70 hotels with close to 8,000 hotel rooms, nearly a million guests and 2.6 million overnight stays Transport: there are 250,000 registered vehicles in the city 250,000 Monthly Income per Household in Tel-Aviv-Yafo (Whose head is an Employee): 17,346 NIS (Gross Income), 10 % higher than the average income in Israel which is 15,712 NIS Housing: 47% are home owners, compared to 69 % home owners in the rest of Israel 73% of all city property tax is paid by business (not residents).During the last decade there was a rise of 59% in the city's income City Council: 31 city council members, 36% resident voter participation Municipality Employees: 7,642 municipal employees and 4,511 employees in the medical center

Details about Tel Aviv Global
Frequently Asked Questions about Dana Schleifer
Dana Schleifer currently works for Tel Aviv Global.
Dana Schleifer's role at Tel Aviv Global is Impact Team Director (Prev. Bloomberg Innovation Team).
Dana Schleifer's email address is ***@mail.tel-aviv.gov.il. To view Dana Schleifer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Dana Schleifer works in the International Trade & Development industry.
Dana Schleifer's colleagues at Tel Aviv Global are Ronnie Berger, Sigal Peretz, Miri Ben-zeev, Jacob Shamir, Jitendra More, Sudipta Das, Avinoam Amos and others.
Dana Schleifer's phone number is N/A
See more information about Dana Schleifer