Marfoglia Construction draws on 25 years of experience as a general contractor in the construction of innovative projects renowned for resourceful originality with materials, exceptionally high-quality millwork and meticulous attention to detail. We specialize in interior finishes that effectively combine millwork, drywall, metals, glass and stone in harmony with mechanical and electrical systems. Typically, our projects are unique in design, with tight production schedules requiring quick reaction time and superior management.Since 1990, we have continuously improved reliability, quality, and delivery times with our in-house millwork shop. Today, our 40,000 s.f. facility combines the finest woodworking and finishing equipment with a quality-conscious workforce that consistently produces outstanding results.Depuis 1990, nous avons constamment misé sur la fiabilité, amélioré la qualité de nos services et raccourci nos délais de livraison grâce à notre atelier d'ébénisterie interne. Aujourd'hui, nos installations de 40 000 pi ca réunissent des équipements d'ébénisterie et de finition à la fine pointe avec une main-d'œuvre soucieuse du détail afin de produire des résultats de qualité exceptionnelle à tout coup