We help brands to connect with people. espluga + associates is a brand, design & communications agency based in Barcelona. Since 1992 we have been working along with brands helping them to connect with people in a multi channel world.We work where brands express themselves.Strategy, naming, packaging, identity, communication, retail, online presence... brands have diverse ways to exist and relate with people and there´s where we can help companies to achieve their goals.We like simple, direct, nice and good things.How do you prefer life to be… simple or complicated? Direct or full of intermediaries? Nice or ugly? Good or bad? We believe that work, life and relationships must be: simple, honest, direct and nice... because there's no dividing line between life and work when you love what you do... and we really love it.From Barcelona to the world.When we started in 1992, our first projects came from friends and the audacious companies that gave us our first opportunities. We did our best and took each project to the limit. Now, more than twenty years later, espluga+associates is working for all kinds of companies around the world (United States, Portugal, Russia, Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Argentina, Switzerland, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and, of course, Spain....).