Hope Housing is supported accommodation for the local homeless and vulnerable. With charitable status (reg no. 1133284), founded in 2009, and have since grown exponentially due to local demand, as Bournemouth has become one of the most deprived communities in the South West, suffering from a higher degree of homelessness than most towns.We are a unique provider within the local area, offering our services to the local vulnerable regardless of whether they have a Local Area Connection (LAC), subject to risk assessments. the majority of local services are funded by our local authority and are only at liberty to accommodate clients that possess an LAC, leading to vulnerable people without an LAC to endure greater levels of social exclusion. Our provision of supported accommodation mitigates this local issue.Clients that reside within one of our 13 properties are supported by our dedicated support team, providing a tailored support plan that focuses on their unique issues. Clients can be provided with group support, counselling, relationship development seminars, accredited training, life skills, work placements and exercise programs, as well as sign posting to appropriate specialist agencies with the goal of helping individuals with transition into an independent living environment.