Board Member - Advancement Officer - Volunteer at Africa Yes! - Durham, North Carolina, United States
Africa Yes! is a 501(c)3 in Durham, NC that has partnered with Gbeworbu village in rural Sierra Leone. Our approach to development is to fill the financial and informational gaps within the area. As a result, each project is developed by village leaders and residents. This ensures that everyone involved are stakeholders to the projects success. In 2015 Africa Yes! opened the doors to the area's first and only Women's Health and Maternity Clinic. It is equipped with solar-powered lights, running water and a medical fridge! Located over 50 miles from the nearest town, the clinic will change the lives of everyone in the area. The project was requested by the women of the area who pride themselves on providing the best pre and post natal care in the district. Additionally, Africa Yes! has assisted in the financing and constructions of over 140 houses in the past 6 years. Through social cooperation, villagers are able to borrow and repay funds to build sturdy, long-lasting houses at much lower costs than normal. These are just two of the project we are most proud of. We also focus on Water Access, Micro-lending for women entrepreneurs, Reforestation, Weaving Cooperatives, and disease prevention. Africa Yes! aims to build a relationship with its donor base and provide the most detail to everyone. If interested in learning how you may lend your skills, donations, or network, please contact