EU Framework Contract Consortium member: - Lot 3: Human rights, democracy and peace- Lot 5: Budget support- Lot 6: Innovative financing for developmentDFID Framework Contract member: - EACDS Lot B: Strenthening resilience and response to crisesCompany description:VJW International is a specialised consultancy company in the field of Foreign Policy and Development Cooperation. Newly established in 2013, it builds on the expertise and knowledge of its team and network of specialised consultants.VJW International's corporate vision and specific identity is to focus on achieving and delivering excellence in its area of expertise. The quality of the technical expertise provided is guaranteed through working with a close network of in-house and external experts renowned for the excellent quality of their services.VJW builds on the team's in-house long-standing technical expertise in the field of International Development. The founder, a former EU and UNDP staff, is supported by a focused network of highly qualified experts which form the very essence and identity of the company. Most experts have experience working with the EU, either as former staff or as consultants or beneficiaries.VJW International provides specialised technical assistance, inter alia, in the fields of:• Developmental policy/Joint programming• Economic development• Sustainable development• EvaluationVJW International provides the following services:• Evaluation, research and analysis• Project management• Strategy and policy advice