Philosophy:• Comprehending the task• Dialogue with the owner• Creating spaces for the well-being of users within the context of uniqueness of a site• Achieving these goals in close interdisciplinaey teamwork• Respecting the eight fundamental principles of Greek Philosopher Archimedes' oathDistinctions:1975 Citation New York Urban Development Corporation for New York Island Housing Project (with F. W. Kastner)1980 Progressive Architecture Citation for Edgewater Marina Mall Project / New Jersey - Transformation of Albert Kahns armour factory (Chief of all Design at Helfer Architects Inc.)1995 ATU PRIX (Architecture-Technology-Environment Price) for UNITOBLER - Transformation of the Chocolate Tobler factory into the University Center for Human Sciences and Central University Library in Bern - Switzerland (with P. Clémençon and Andrea Roost)1996 SIA Price (Swiss Institute of Architecture) for UNITOBLER for sustainable and low energy building / construction1997 Business Week / Architectural Record Award for UNITOBLER1998 AIA EUROPE International Design Award for 'Guillaume Ritter' power plant in Fribourg / Switzerland1999 The American Institute of Architects / California Council Design Award for HES - Advanced School for Technology and Architecture and for 'Guillaume Ritter' power plant - in Fribourg / SwitzerlandProfession:2003 President AIA CE