Arcis Analytics is a statistical consulting firm using our available knowledge and experience to solve practical problems from many different fields. Whether your business needs range from developing a system to score your financial portfolios as a process of determining the propensity of liquidation and the degree thereof, to being reviewed from the OFCCP for a government audit, Arcis Analytics will guide you through the process. The statisticians and consultants at Arcis Analytics have been developing asset profitability tests and liquidation rate projections for a broad range of financial portfolios and organizations. We can help you understand what accounts or assets are likely to be your most valuable, as well as to what degree they may liquidate. Arcis Analytics has the experience and the ability to assist you in determining statistically significant gaps between differing groups of age, gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. Our expertise is well developed, and our solutions for your workforce analysis will help you remain in compliance with government audits.