Koordinátor výroby zdravotnické techniky at UJP PRAHA a.s. - , Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
UJP PRAHA a.s. historically follows up on the activities of the former Institute of Nuclear Fuels, whose portfolio has gradually included activities from many other areas. Among the most important are especially rich and many years of proven experience in uranium processing and other shading protection materials, the production of transport and storage containers for ionizing radiation sources and a wider portfolio of products and services.Engineering production in the company is based on the results of its own research and development in many sectors (eg aerospace, energy, chemical, petrochemical, engineering). There was and continues to be developed the demanding technology of metal uranium processing by melting, alloying, machining, surface protection of uranium, uranium and metal depleted uranium products. UJP PRAHA a.s. as the only office in the Czech Republic, offers a wide range of transport and storage packages for radioactive radiators using shielding properties of metallic uranium, lead and tungsten, as well as shielding parts made of metallic uranium, minor uranium products, uranium compounds for both domestic buyers and also on foreign markets.In the field of medical technology, UJP PRAHA a.s. products using ionizing radiation. These are mainly radiation radiotherapists and related devices used in radiotherapy.