An easier way of onboarding workers in high-risk industriesCitus has partnered with industry leaders and applied years of experience and knowledge to solve a problem that almost all site personnel experience when onboarding workers to site and manage compliance: The ability to upload easily and effectively; share, validate and maintain the required information and documentation required for site access and induction.To meet this industry need, we developed Citusafe. A user-focused digital, onboarding and compliance management platform that is user-friendly. Citus will unify, validate compliance and competency information, it also creates an auditable approval history allowing the flow of communications to be streamlined, eliminating duplication. This app will help allow companies to:• Manage employees and any important employee documents. • Manage employee certificates and safety related documents.• Digitally authorise personnel to use any particular piece of equipment on site with an auditable trail.• Store and share assessments required by legislation.• Manage multiple mines and projects.• Companies to be able to connect with and communicate with the workforce in real-time.This app will allow the workforce to: • Manage their own certificates.• Keep track of their certificate and document expiry dates to ensure they're compliant and up-to-date.• Share their profiles with employers to save time when being inducted.• As a bonus, users will have an option to redeem offers and benefits for being a paid member.• Individually be rewarded for their input.• Future integration will allow individuals on forums to discuss mental health and well-being.• Save time and work safer!