compliance analyst and member of the diversity and inclusion council at WebBank - Salt Lake City, UT, US
WebBank ('the Bank"), is a Utah chartered Industrial Bank headquartered in Salt Lake City, UT. Since inception in 1997, WebBank has originated and funded over $147 billion in consumer and commercial credit products. As "The Bank Behind the Brand®", WebBank is a national issuer of consumer and small business credit products through Strategic Partner (Brand) platforms, which include retailers, manufacturers, finance companies, and financial technology (FinTech) companies. The Bank is a leading player in the digital lending space, driving innovation in financial products through Strategic Partner platforms.WebBank engages in a full range of banking activities including consumer and commercial loan products, revolving lines of credit, credit cards, private-label card issuance, auto-refinancing and more. The Bank is also a capital provider to Brand platforms, credit funds, and other lenders with a targeted focus on specialty finance assets. The Bank is also a leading provider of commercial insurance premium finance products through its wholly-owned subsidiary National Partners.