BNOAT Oncology, Inc. is an oncology research and development company headquartered in Ohio on the Akron Innovation Campus of the University of Akron. The company has the exclusive license to develop nitrosylcobalamin (NO-Cbl), a vitamin B12-based anti-tumor agent. BNOAT Oncology, Inc. will advance the clinical development of NO-Cbl a tumor-targeting, non-toxic anti-cancer agent with the goal of significantly improving the standard of care in both cancer treatment and prevention worldwide.Extensive pre-clinical research as shown that NO-Cbl functions as a "Trojan Horse" by deceiving cancer cells into taking up a toxic payload and ultimately causing cell death. The Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) independently validated the anti-tumor properties of NO-Cbl in 60 different human cancer cell lines. The results of Dr. Bauer's dog studies received international media attention and were featured in US News and World Report, Forbes, Web MD, MSNBC Health and Medicine, the American Chemical Society and in several local news programs and newspapers NO-Cbl significantly reduced the size of the tumors (65% on average) in all of the dogs and in some dogs completely eliminated the tumor altogether. NO-Cbl increased the life span of each animal and improved its quality of life without the adverse side effects commonly associated with current chemo or radiation therapy regimes.