Rubin Counseling, LLC provides counseling services to individuals and couples in Dunwoody, GA and the Greater Atlanta Area. We treat those who are suffering from Substance Abuse, Addictions,Working towards Recovery, Life Crisis or Feeling Stuck, Mental Illness, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Trouble, Personality Disorders, Co-Occurring Disorders, and various other mental illnesses Rubin Counseling LLC, is based on a very individualized and client/person centered approach to therapy.We believe that the client knows best and with our guidance can work through their issues/problems. Though our practice is based on the ideas of client/person centered therapy, each client's preferences, past history of treatment, and counselors assessment of the best therapeutic approach allows for clients to receive a wide range of different types of therapeutic models based on their needs. We at Rubin Counseling want to find what works for the client.. No client is the same, therefore you can not have the same approach to therapy with everyone.