ID360° works with corporations, professional organizations, membership groups, families, and individuals to provide the most effective identity theft education and recovery services available. As the number one crime in America, identity theft can destroy your reputation, deplete your bank accounts, and do serious damage to your financial future. You may associate identity theft with credit card or bank fraud, but lesser known identity crimes—social security, medical, insurance, criminal, and even child identity theft—are growing at an alarming rate. ID360° delivers solutions that reduce your risk and offer a plan of action if you become a victim. With a national network of investigators—including former federal, state, and local law enforcement professionals—our resources and experience are unparalleled.ID360° president and former NYPD deputy inspector, James LaPiedra, clearly outlines the problem and provides hands-on solutions in his newly published Identity Lockdown guide. Purchase your copy now or become an ID360 member and get yours FREE at! Protect yourself, your organization, your family, and your future with ID360° ( ——————————————————————————————————————————————Keywords: identity, fraud, theft, identity theft, identity fraud, personal security, personal identity, credit monitoring, identity protection, identity theft education, identity theft prevention, security breach, compromise, hackers, identity thieves, identity criminals, identity advocates, security professionals, security experts, identity theft experts, identity fraud specialists, credit fraud, credit card fraud, medical fraud, criminal fraud, social security fraud, computer fraud, internet fraud, wire fraud, child identity fraud, bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud, personal information, recover, identity theft victim, restore your identity, identity theft solutions, identity fraud solutions, identity lockdown, fraud services.