Styles Group is a team of expert professionals working at the forefront of the measurement, prediction and assessment of acoustics and vibration. We work across New Zealand, delivering expertise to support decision making on environmental noise (including underwater noise) and vibration effects; and providing acoustical design advice for spaces and buildings; including specialised audio facilities, performance spaces, auditoria, offices, meeting rooms and educational facilities. Our wide range of experience and industry knowledge combined with exceptional knowledge of legislation and processes means that our advice is seamlessly integrated into the resource management and building control framework. We regularly present expert evidence at judicial hearings, the Environment Court and before Boards of Inquiry.Our underwater noise expertise is world-leading, with Dr Matthew Pine leading a number of high profile development and research projects. We use Ocean Instruments hydrophones for underwater noise measurements and several software packages for the prediction and assessment of effects, including a number of proprietary analysis tools.Styles Group are devoted users of the world leading Brüel & Kjær noise measurement instrumentation and analysis software. Vibration measurement and analysis is carried out with instrumentation and software from Instantel, Canterbury Seismic Instruments, Texcel and Svantek.The Director and Principal, Jon Styles, is the President of the Acoustical Society of New Zealand and is a regular contributor to industry journals, events and conferences. Through his training courses to the legal, planning and environmental health professions, Jon is committed to raising awareness and understanding of noise and vibration effects and the interpretation of technical information.