BABTAC - the British Association of Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology - is the longest established and most widely recognised UK membership organisation in the aesthetics, beauty, hair and wellbeing industry. BABTAC represents highly trained professionals, encouraging best practice and providing a powerful voice within the industry. The BABTAC logo is a mark of approval in the industry, which gives consumers confidence in the high quality of their practitioner's credentials and assurance that they are qualified, verified and insured.CIBTAC - the Confederation of International Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology - is the leading awarding body for the highest level international qualifications and continued professional development in the beauty, hair, wellbeing and spa industry. CIBTAC graduates are in demand by the world's top employers because they are educated to a high level and have practical, relevant experience. CIBTAC has over 25 accredited training centres across the world, including Australia, UAE, and the Caribbean. BABTAC & CIBTAC are not for profit organisations campaigning on behalf of their members for regulation and improvements in the industry.