RSS' services range from design through execution of social, health and policy research studies, both quantitative and qualitative, for government, universities, non-profit organizations, and corporate clients. RSS conducts three main types of projects in the area of social, health, education, and policy research:· qualitative studies, including those with in-depth and key-informant interviews, cognitive testing, usability testing, focus groups, and ethnographic interviewing;· survey data collection and processing, primarily face to face; and· translation of research instruments and respondent materials into non-English languages.We specialize in multicultural, multilingual projects, primarily focusing on minority and immigrant populations, as well as in studies of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated populations. We have strong capabilities in Spanish-language research, and ample experience working with Russian, Tagalog, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hmong, Haitian Créole, Polish, and Portuguese language speakers.