Bilingual Family Engagement Specialist at Families & Communities Rising (FCR) - Durham, North Carolina, United States
Families & Communities Rising, formerly Chapel Hill Training Outreach Project, is a Durham, NC based nonprofit organization with locations in Durham, Orange and Chatham Counties of NC and programs that reach nationwide. FCR was established in 1969 and is a national provider of training and technical assistance services, audiovisual and print materials, and offers direct services to children, families and communities.We are proud that our local and national programs have a longstanding success rate of enhancing the lives of children, their families and the communities they live in. Our services concentrate on families from low-income households, families caring for the elderly, children with disabilities or chronic illness, and children at risk of abuse and neglect. Our local programming includes Head Start, Early Head Start in Durham and Chapel Hill as well as KidSCope, and our national programming includes FRIENDS (Family Resource Information, Education, and Network Development Service) for the community-based prevention of child abuse and neglect, and ARCH (Access to Respite Care and Help) which promotes respite care for families caring for loved ones at home. Families & Communities Rising is proud of the work that we do.