Wind of the Spirit is a faith-based organization for all immigrants and non-immigrants who are moved by the tradition of hospitality. We strive to create an environment free of discrimination. At our core, we are motivated to act by the challenges that immigrants in the United States continue to face. Wind of the Spirit works with immigrant communities to ensure their access to information that will strengthen their leadership abilities and will also allow them to realize their power as social and political actors. We currently support communities in Morristown, Dover, Madison, the city of Orange, Wharton, East Orange, Moonachie, Ridgefield Park, and New Brunswick, in addition to advocacy on the state and federal levels. On the state level, we are a core member of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, and we also form part of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network and Alianza Americas, an international organization fighting for the well-being of immigrants across the Americas.